Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Hello and Welcome, my name is Kurzon Morris and this blog is all about technology and society. Here I will be talking about how tech impacts on us as a people as well as reviewing how certain technology can be used to better us as a people.

I will have a number of different tag lines depending on what I'm writing about. At the moment I have four specific sections that I will be writing about, Game reviews (with a twist), Rant of the Week (my pet peeves about life and technology), Future tech reviews (where I review a piece of technology that is in the early stage of development and I predict how it could be used if it was built and marketed right) and finally Concept Reviews (I can see impressive and important possible technology that is either being developed but not manufactured or simply ignored for some reason that has the potential to make lots of money as well as make life more fun and easyer, here I will explain how and why this concept should be developed)

While the above four sections are my main writing points I may comment on something happening in the world as well as books I'm reading/writing, basicly anything I want.

I look forward to this adventure of exploring the potential of technology as well as hearing from people as to there opinion of what I'm writing about.

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